
Take Control of Your Health With Personalized Nutrition

By Nicole Beauregard, a personal trainer at The DOGPOUND Photo credits: Walter Savage @savagelens It’s time that we take a sensible approach to nutrition and recognize our bio-individuality: there’s no one-size-fits-all diet. Most nutrition books tell you what to...

Fuel Your Body With These Treats Without Meat

By Samantha Robinson, a trainer at The DOGPOUND Samantha Robinson of The DOGPOUND. Photo credit Alice Teeple There's no way around it. If you’re going to ask me about nutrition, 10 out of 10 times I will tell you that your body will thrive the most off a plant-based...

Fuel Your Week With Healthy Snacks

By Hannah Cohen, Trainer at The DOGPOUND People often believe that coming to the gym and doing abs for an hour will undo all of the damage from a fun weekend. MYTH! Sorry friends, but you cannot out-work a bad diet! As New Yorkers, we are always on the go and are...
Downtown Magazine